Monday, May 18, 2015

What is Greatness?

What is this greatness or mastery that I'm pursuing? I need to define it at least somewhat because if I don't then I won't know when I have it. It will be an ever changing target.

I've been thinking about this all day. I was sitting in the parking lot of Walmart and was wondering if I should document those kind of things just to get perspective. I'd just left the auto parts store and had picked up some drive thru fast food. I sat in the Walmart parking lot eating and thought about these things. For lack of a better term it seemed like a very redneck thing to do. Or at least a lower middle class thing to do. I'd just left the auto parts store, picked up some McDonald's and was eating it in the parking lot of Walmart. Actually it's not even lower middle class. I did some searching and my station in life right now is working class. There are a few differences - mainly just education - but my income puts me in the working class bracket. So, the question is, how do I go from working class to greatness and mastery? First thing to do probably is to pick something to be great at. Like the video I watched about Arnold Schwarzenegger when he said he wanted to find something he could be the best at. He'd tried a few things and then found bodybuilding and decided he could be great. What am I going to choose. And why do I want it?

There are things I learned to believe about myself over the years. These are things I will need to overcome if I'm to make any progress. There are many branches but the root issue is how I value myself. Or more likely how I don't value myself and how I thing others' don't value me. Just as an experiemnet I'll rate myself on various roles and categories.

As a mate/relationship
As a worker/employee
As a friend
Common sense
Risk taking

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